/ Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق

Eman Abdallah Zaid

Faculty Physical Education For Female - Department Division games

Scientific degrees

BSc In NULL, [1988]
MSc In NULL, [1995]
(Tothirasthaddam programmed instruction to teach some ball skills plane for pupils deaf and dumb -mnhaa 12/24/1995)
PhD In NULL, [2003]
(Asthaddamahveh different weights to flatten and its impact on some offensive skills and Aldvaaahvy volleyball-awarded 22/11/2003)

الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :

منتدب كليا للخارج
معيد : 12/12/1988
Doctor Assisant : 26/2/1996
Doctor : 20/1/2004
Professor Assisant : 24/11/2009
Professor : 31/3/2019