/ Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق

Gehan Hamed Abdelrahman Handok

Faculty Physical Education For Female - Department Section track and field

Scientific degrees

BSc In NULL, [1989]
MSc In NULL, [1999]
(The impact of a proposed program on the electrical activity of the muscles of the party and some level Alno.ysbaq pay Algelhmnh 05/29/1995)
PhD In NULL, [2001]
(لا يوجد)

الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :

قائم باجازة خاصة
معيد : 6/9/1990
Doctor Assisant : 7/8/1995
Doctor : 11/9/2002
Professor Assisant : 28/10/2008
Professor : 28/1/2020