/ Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق

Enas Abdelzaher Tantawy

Faculty Medicine - Department Microbiology and Immunology

Scientific degrees

BSc In , [1999]
MSc In NULL, [2004]
(Study of the microbes that cause chronic inflammation, pus middle ear with a focus on the fungal infection and risk factors that lead to it.)
PhD In NULL, [2009]
(Role of connective white No. 18 balls coordinator immunotherapy in allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases and immunity against tumors)

الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :

قائم بالعمل
معيد : 18/9/2001
Doctor Assisant : 7/3/2005
Doctor : 27/4/2010
Professor Assisant : 26/11/2015
Professor : 29/12/2020